Partnerships For World Graduates (PWG II)
Conference Aim and Scope
The theme of the Partnerships for World Graduates II is Academia, Industry and Community in partnership in the preparation of graduates for a globalising society. Communities and industries are changing profoundly as the world becomes increasingly globalised. What does this mean for institutions preparing graduates to become active citizens and productive members of society? These institutions, working together with industry and the community at large, must explore new ways of developing graduate capabilities and competencies that will meet the demands of a changing society. PWG II builds upon the conference of PWG I to evaluate the progress achieved since 2007 and the projected developments for graduate attributes, including specifically an understanding of the work ethics in different cultural environments, and global citizenship. Partnership for World Graduates II will include a Forum, where among others, alumni of the RMIT International Industry Experience and Research Program will have the opportunity to discuss the program’s impact on their lives thus far. The over 200 partner companies of the program are invited to present their views, in this forum, on the impact of the collaboration between educational institutions and industry in developing skills of the future workforce.
Call for Papers
You are invited to submit proposals across any of the following conference themes:
Requirements of the professions in the new paradigm of global engagement
Preparing graduates for Life, Work and Global Citizenship in the emerging globalising Economy and Society
Enhancing University, Industry and Community Partnerships
Fostering Cross-Cultural Awareness in the Future Work Force.
Role of Students in Industry and Educational Institutions’ Partnerships
Establishing the Foundations for Collaborative Research through Internships
Innovations in Industry Internships
Knowledge Transfer between Educational Institutions and Industry
Impact of the Digital Age on Industry and Academia Partnerships
Forum: Presentations by RIIERP Alumni, Industry Partners, Educators and the Community at large.
High quality proposals for all contributions need to be submitted initially in the form of an abstract (see To Submit an Abstract below). You may submit proposals for:
Peer reviewed paper - double-blind peer review process applies
Non-peer reviewed paper
A forum presentation
Poster and/or conventional academic poster
Abstract submission: Wednesday, 8th June 2022
Notification of Decision on Abstract and invitation to submit a full paper: Monday, 8th August 2022
Full paper submission: Friday, 14th October 2022
Notification of Decision and an invitation to submit a full paper: Wednesday, 30th November 2022
Final Paper submission: Friday, 10th February 2022.
Conference Chair Professor Sylvester Abanteriba
Founder, RMIT International Industry Experience and Research Program
Phone: +61 39925 1193. Email:
To submit an Abstract
Submit your 400 word abstract via the online form below: